Friday, July 31, 2020

Scream queens

I quite often get scared in session, but I wouldn't call any of that a 'phobia', as such.  Phobias are irrational fears. 

Probably best if they never find out. They're so sweet and innocent, long may they stay that way.

People like her contribute to the unfair stereotyping of the BDSM community.  You should say something - when you've got your breath back, obviously.

I don't think it bothers her.

French capital punishment scenarios require some quite specialised equipment (although easy enough for any domme with slaves with carpentry skills).  Anyone wanting to try out American cap-pun play is going to need something to step up the voltage. Ordinary electricity's not quite enough to kill, even in Europe.  I mean, it works eventually, but if the client's only paid for a couple of hours, the domme's at risk of the scenario not working out.

1 comment:

  1. They always go on about the "Regiment" of women rather than the regimen unless its those lovely lasses in uniform of course. And "the women" they mean woman "is dominate" not dominant. Femsup
