Sunday, January 24, 2021

Decadence: just the pictures

 So... to celebrate 10 years of ruining otherwise lovely images of ladies, by sticking witless captions on them (but never, ever overlapping the ladies themselves - that's a rule) I will be putting up some of my favourites over the next few days.  Yes: we celebrate 10 years by putting up repeats that you've already seen...

Today: some of my favourite images I have posted, selected without worrying too much about whether the captions are any good or not.  Some are, some aren't: but occasionally the pictures are so perfect that they have to be captioned even if I don't have any particularly good ideas.

I just like their expressions.

I like their expressions too.  If they aren't saying something hurtful and humiliating, and enjoying it as much as they appear to be, well they damn well should be, that's all.

Same again, although here the likelihood that they were actually saying something hurtful and humiliating is perhaps a little higher.

I think this might be my favourite femdom image of all time.  It's not specifically a femdom image, of course.  When you search for it, you mostly get sites relating to workplace bullying, which is probably an activity that's less fun in reality than in fantasy.  But... but she's just shouting... right in his face!  Isn't it lovely?

Again, it's the look.

Her expression... and the general situation.  Four of them... face it, you are going to be way out of your depth, even if the two at the back are more interested in each other than in you.

Hmm... hard to say what it is I like about this photo.  Maybe the framing, or the perspective?  It's probably some kind of technical photographological stuff like that, anyway.  Definitely probably something like that.

Mistress Jenna Coleman, on a break during filming Dr Who, I believe.  We need more pictures of beautiful actresses dressed as Victorian governesses.  Many more.

I occasionally feature male dominants or others into heavy, macho S&M gear here - usually dressed something like this.

And, of course...

So true, so true.  And I have many pictures of her.


  1. Love the Jenna Coleman one. And it's always a pleasure when Ms. Hathaway shows up.

    1. Thank you. It is. A rare and undeserved pleasure, so who can begrudge her if she also inflicts a little pain from time to time? It's just balancing things out.

      Best wishes


  2. Its always lovely when you see a woman with authority over a man shouting in his face. Femsup

    1. Isn't it? Such a treat, when that happens. My SO rarely shouts in my face these days, because my face is usually grovelling at the floor, or locked away in some contraption or other. I do miss the immediacy of it.

      Best wishes


  3. Hi Houseboy. I am very glad if I was involved in inspiring that at all. However, I tend not to contact people directly in this aspect of my life, if you don't mind - 'Servitor' is only here.

    Why not set up a Tumblr to publish your captions? That's probably the easiest tool for doing that that I know of. I will certainly look with interest if you do.

    Best wishes

