Friday, March 18, 2011


Captioned image of dominatrix towering over you
Whining for mercy doesn't seem to be working too well... 

Captioned image of man in the corner
I love corner time.  I really do.  It's partly because despite my err... predilections I don't actually like pain.  So it's a part of a session when I'm being punished but she's not actually hitting me.  Which is nice, y'know?
I believe the image is from Le coin de Mlkklm, a blog (in French, but with many pictures) that features a lot of corner time. 

Wife wakes sleepily on your birthday and prepares to keep you in chastity for another year
And at Christmas she sorts out who's been naughty and nice, too.

Captioned femdom - a tale of two colars
Both of course see this as loving female authority - but with the emphasis on different words within that phrase.


  1. Hello...
    Thank you to have quoted my blog... But I don't think that picture was taken from it... Could have, but no...
    Now my blog include the translation tool from google, so, don't let French language stop you to pay me a visit ;-)

  2. Merci, Mlkklm (je ne comprends pas votre nom!)

    Je parle francais un petit peu. J'aime votre blog, parce que j'adore 'corner time'. Il y'avait un blog "Life in the corner" depuis qulques ans, que j'adorais aussi. Mais maintenant je crois que c'est termine.

    C'est une type de domination tres subtil and tres puissant.

    J'espère que vous pardonnerez mon incapacité correctement d'écrire votre belle langue.
