First in what might be an occasional series.

just on this one above. In case there is anyone out there who is
considering visiting a pro-domme for the first time and takes this image
to reflect the reality that awaits him and is put off as a result...
well, sorry, I don't mean to be rude but are you completely out of your
fucking mind? Seriously. Do you really take this blog as a guide to
the reality of femdom? I mean, it obviously isn't, right? Quite apart
from the fact that it says it isn't, some of the material here
breaks physical laws of the universe let alone the bounds of 'realism'
or even 'sanity'. Get a grip.
Sorry, where was I? Right, anyway: the first domme you visit will be lovely,
OK? And she'll do everything she can to put you at your ease (except
for the 'good' nervousness, if you know what I mean) - and she'll be good at that, because she's done it before, yeah? And she knows what she's doing and - oh just book it and go, you'll have a wonderful time.
Everyone clear about that? Good. Moving on.