Tuesday, August 30, 2016


and believe me, several ladies quite skilled in the art of correction have tried.

Truth and consequences.

Best years of your life.

They seem rather indecisive for such otherwise forceful ladies.  I hope they make their minds up soon... can't hang about in here all day.

They don't have tribunals for gross professional misconduct in dreams - that could be another way to tell the difference, in due course.

Good to see them upholding basic safe play standards.  See, many people think pro-dommes are uncaring but it just ain't so.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Summer's ending

... and we're back in the room. Probably.  This is still the automated post queue set up before servitor went on holiday.  But I'm sure everything's fine.

If this turns out to be the last post ever, though, I suppose you'll know there's been a plane crash or something.

...and these will be my last words. From beyond the grave.  Strange thought.  And such nonsense!  Oh well.. perhaps that's only fitting.

Because it's summer (20)

But servitor's summer holiday is nearly over. Soon he'll back in harness, nose to the grindstone and feet to the fire.  And back to work straight after that. Ah well.  Bumper extra clear-out of particularly old and pointless captions today and tomorrow, same as usual.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Because it's summer (18)

Servitor's still on holiday, hurrah hurrah.  This is an automated sequence of posts, while he enjoys himself in the fresh air. His SO will be back in a few days to let him back inside the house and then the usual abnormal service will be resumed.

Hmm.  Very appropriate. But servitor's not cooped up in a cage, dear readers, instead being free to wander freely within a  four metre radius of the steel post in his back garden, all summer.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Because it's summer (12)

Still summer, servitor still on holidays, putting up daily pre-prepared posts of three old, unpublished but not particularly good captions, not much more to say on the subject, bye.