Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him.

The title quote, of course, is from Sir Thomas More's Utopia.  But you knew that, right?  You're an educated, sophisticated man of the world, who knows that the capital of Gabon is Libreville, can calculate complex sums quickly and accurately and understands the main principles of the annealing process in glass manufacture.  You just pretend to be an ignorant schoolboy who doesn't even know that the capital of Australia is Sydney.*

Apparently, I have 'kick-me testicles'. I never even knew that was a thing, but there you go.

Actually, I get quite a lot of normal healthy sex in my current relationship - maybe a bit rough, but really just your basic penetrative sex, fellatio... that kind of thing.  Several of Her favourite boyfriends are bisexual, so I get a lot of action.  I have to say, I prefer perversion, on balance.

And 'cum-bucket' isn't even a word, so in a sense the question of spelling doesn't even arise.

Her bedroom wall is covered with hunting trophies.

It is, right? I mean, better than nothing. You're enjoying yourself, yeah?  I'm afraid this is the last caption today, so you'd better finish now.. that's right.  Up and down, up and down.  Tugtugtug? A bit more - there! Excellent.  And... just get the last out, there... great. See you on Friday!

* Yes, I know.  It's a joke.  If you don't get it, maybe it's my fault for being too obscure. Or if you're a humiliation slut**, maybe it's your fault for being such a moron, hmm? Too stupid to actually wank and think at the same time, are we? Gosh... a small cock and a tiny intellect - didn't exactly win the first prize in life, did you? Try one of those blogs featured on Tiresome Tropes, instead, lamebrain, maybe it's more your level.

** If you're not a humiliation slut, I don't recommend reading the rest of the comment above.


  1. If they didn't get the "capital" joke, then they might not have the, umm, mental equipment to get the humor on Tiresome Tropes , either.

    1. No indeed. I more had in mind them enjoying the captions out of which you take the piss than the piss-taking itslf.

  2. Plenty more of those. Keep coming back and don't forget to duck.
